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    LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) are two types of deep learning algorithms; by combining the strengths of LSTM and CNN, researchers have developed deep learning models that can effectively detect SDN (Software-Defined Network) attacks including Distributed Denial of Service. These models effectively analyze network traffic, encompassing temporal and spatial characteristics, resulting in precise identification of malicious traffic.In this research, a hybrid model composed of CNN and LSTM is used to detect the DDoS attack in SDN network. Where the CNN component of the model can identify spatial patterns in network traffic, such as the characteristics of individual packets, while the LSTM component can capture temporal patterns in traffic over time, such as the timing and frequency of traffic bursts. The proposed model has been trained on a labeled network traffic dataset, with one class representing normal traffic and another class representing DDoS attack traffic. During the training process, the model adjusts its weights and biases to minimize the difference between its predicted output and the actual output for each input sample. Once trained, the hybrid model classifies incoming network traffic in the dataset as either normal or malicious with an initial accuracy of (78.18%) and losses of (39.77%) at the 1st epoch till it reaches an accuracy of (99.99%) with losses of (9.29×10-5) at the epoch number 500. It should be mentioned that the hybrid model of CNN and LSTM for DDoS detection is implemented using Python Anaconda platform with an ETA 28ms/step